Italian General Oreste Baratieri knew he was outnumbered. But he seriously underestimated his Ethiopian opponents--and overestimated the merits of his own battle plan. by Greg Blake Of all the African powers, only the ancient kingdom of Ethiopia remained completely free from European domination by the end of the 19th century. This was no accident of history; Ethiopia secured its sovereignty by inflicting a decisive and humiliating defeat upon the Italian invaders at Adowa (or Adwa) on March 1, 1896. The battle at Adowa was, at the time, the greatest defeat inflicted upon a European army by an African army since the time of Hannibal, and its consequences were felt well into the 20th century. As an example of colonial warfare on an epic scale, it cannot be surpassed. As an example of the twin follies of arrogance and underestimation of one's enemies, it should never be forgotten.
Unzumutbarkeit der Passbeschaffung bei Erfordernis einer "Reueerklärung"
Einem subsidiär schutzberechtigten Ausländer darf die Ausstellung eines Reiseausweises für Ausländer nicht mit der Begründung verweigert werden, er könne einen Pass seines Herkunftsstaates auf zumutbare Weise erlangen, wenn der Herkunftsstaat die Ausstellung eines Passes an die Unterzeichnung einer "Reueerklärung" knüpft, die mit der Selbstbezichtigung einer Straftat verbunden ist, und der Ausländer plausibel darlegt, dass er die Erklärung nicht abgeben will. Das hat das Bundesverwaltungsgericht in Leipzig heute entschieden.
Eritrea has been criticised for its decades-long compulsory military service (file photo)
By Teklemariam Bekit & Farouk Chothia
BBC News
Eritrean authorities have intensified military mobilisation and are hunting down draft dodgers across the country, as the war in neighbouring Ethiopia escalates, multiple Eritrean sources have told the BBC.
The latest round-ups are the worst so far as women have not been spared, with many elderly mothers and fathers detained in a bid to force their children, who have gone into hiding, to surrender, they say.
They spoke on condition of anonymity as Eritrea is a highly restrictive state that controls almost all aspects of people's lives.
Eritrea has sent troops to help the Ethiopian government against forces from its northern Tigray region, which borders Eritrea.
"As many ignored the call-up, the round-up has been intensified," a source said, adding that wives have also been detained after their husbands tried to avoid conscription.
PRO ASYL begrüßt das Urteil des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts, das heute entschieden hat, dass die Abgabe einer Reueerklärung für Geflüchtete unzumutbar ist. Rechtsexperte Peter von Auer spricht von einem wegweisenden Urteil.
Das Bundesverwaltungsgericht in Leipzig hat heute entschieden, dass die Abgabe einer sogenannten Reueerklärung unzumutbar ist. „Einem subsidiär schutzberechtigten Ausländer darf die Ausstellung eines Reiseausweises für Ausländer nicht mit der Begründung verweigert werden, er könne einen Pass seines Herkunftsstaates auf zumutbare Weise erlangen, wenn der Herkunftsstaat die Ausstellung eines Passes an die Unterzeichnung einer „Reueerklärung“ knüpft, die mit der Selbstbezichtigung einer Straftat verbunden ist, und der Ausländer plausibel darlegt, dass er die Erklärung nicht abgeben will“, urteilte das Gericht.
UN investigators said Monday they believed Ethiopia's government was behind ongoing crimes against humanity in the Tigray region, and warned that the resumption of the conflict there increased the risk of "further atrocity crimes".
In its first report, the Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia said it had found evidence of a wide range of violations in the country by all sides since fighting erupted in the northern Tigray region in November 2020.
Eritrea is mobilising its reservists up to the age 55 to reinforce the army along the common border with the Tigray region. Sources told the BBC that the reservists were sent to the front lines on Thursday 15 September.
Raids have been conducted recently in many parts of Eritrea by the security forces to round up people for the army and to check whether stragglers have valid exemptions for military conscription, says the BBC.
Many in the capital of Asmara were taken to the frontline within hours. Reservists in other parts of the country were also called to report to their main offices.
Sources in the country indicate that the call affects all people without exception, including staff guarding UN offices, and that failing to do so may lead to family members being thrown out of their houses or family members being detained.
Tigray spokesperson Getachew Reda is accusing Ethiopia of sending more of its troops to Eritrea.